Song of the day: Mediocre – Ximena Sariñana

I am not a big fan of pop music, but I could become a fan of that category sometimes. This is a good example of it.

Ximena Sariñana is a Mexican singer / actress, daughter of Fernando Sariñana, director and producer of some Mexican films and she has been in some. However, her true talent is, in my opinion, composing and singing.

She started her singing career time ago with the band ‘Feliz no cumpleaños’ (Spanish for ‘Happy Not-Birthday’). Later she kept on studying music in Mexico, and then released her first solo album: Mediocre. This is the album that got me into her.

But her style is nowadays more.. “pop-ish”, filled up with glitter and happy melodies. Not my taste actually, but her very first album ‘Mediocre‘ is one of my favorites, a nice balad/jazzy sound in every melody that makes you sing along with her even when the songs are kind of depressing some times.

Here I present my favorite song from the album (hard to pick among all the songs), which is the song that gives the name to the album: Mediocre. Lyrics with translation are below 😉

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Opera: Tijuana style

Ciudad Juárez, Matamoros, Nuevo Laredo, Reynosa… what do these cities have in common? They are border cities, where the violence in Mexico exploded due to the War on Drugs that devastated the northern part of the country.

Tijuana is precisely one of those cities that felt it heavily, but today teaches us a very nice lesson. Since years (even before the War on Drugs) Tijuana was world-known for its careless way of life. Alcohol, drugs, women, nasty streets and tough night life were part of the imagination when someone imagined the city.

The inhabitants, however, never lost their faith and found new ways to fight that feeling. As true Mexicans, they knew that violence cannot be stopped with more violence, and thus fought it the way they knew: sing and smile.

The Tijuana Cultural Centre and their young talents decided to give hope and draw smiles in its inhabitants with their own version of street Opera, a movement that has been seen previously in Europe, but a movement that Tijuana needed to gain energy and encourage their people to not give up and live peacefully. Did it work? Too soon to say, but oh boy! truly inspires.

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Song of the day: Granada – Agustín Lara

Aaahh, Agustín Lara! that romantic skinny, also known as “El flaco de oro” (the golden skinny). One of the most prolific composers of his time.

Worldwide known is the way he composed in the name of love (specially that impossible love) with masterpieces like Solamente una vez, María bonita, Piensa en mí, etc.

But also very well known is his love for Spain, where many of his songs are specially dedicated to its cities: Murcia, Madrid, Valencia, etc. becoming the songs that are now part of their heritage.

However, there is one song that stands out: Granada. The favorite of many tenors and one of the most sang worldwide. Why? Power, I would say. Granada is passion and courage, is the voice of love for our land, love for our people. Granada is a proud moment to sing for ourselves.

My personal choice was to put Plácido Domingo‘s version. No better tenor could feel this ‘mestizo’ passion than the one born in Spain and raised in Mexico.

VICE explores the hidden Mexico

I started to discover the most interesting stuff about Mexico when I left. I’m not gonna lie, I never realized what Mexico actually stands for until I saw the country as an outsider. In the same way, I got a closer perspective of the foreigner’s point of view.

It kinda surprises me and never found the words to express what Mexico is (within its thousands of faces). I think is better to show it, not just talk about it, but really put the culture, society and voices of the Mexicans in a visual way.

I have tried a couple of times (and will doing it as much as I can), but if a professional view of the culture is what people are looking for, then my biggest suggestion would be the VICE documentaries.

The first time I saw a VICE documentary about Mexico was the one about the “Mexican Pointy Boots“. I discovered that mexican fashion through VICE. I had never heard about it before. This is the kind of documentary that I like to see, closer to the people. It describes the real ‘feeling’ of the society, the thoughts of the Mexican people and in their own words.

Then I started to look more documentaries of the same style. What else could I discover from my country in this original journalistic enterprise? Well, there were more than expected, here a short list with some of my favorites, including the ones produced with the mexican beer brand “Indio”: Continue reading

Día de Muertos: Tips to enjoy the tradition

Probably you know a bit about this tradition due to the curiosity about the “celebration of Death”. Well, Death is a topic with different points of view in the world.

As a Mexican there are many things that still surprise about this festivity, mainly because it is celebrated in different ways all along Mexico. Oh yeah, last year I made a video with the historical background and main topics of it. I recommend you to watch it before proceeding with the lines below.

I assume that you now understood that Mexicans are not celebrating Death, in the same sense that we are not having parties to say good-bye to our beloved dead. Continue reading

Song of the day: Gimme tha Power – Molotov

Molotov is one of my favorite bands. My favorite Spanish-speaking band for sure.

Oddly, the only times that I’ve been to a Molotov concert were in Germany, during their European tour. But I don’t complain, the concerts were vibrant and full of energy, like their songs. Damn! I was even able to jump with them on the stage and had some words before and after the show.

But anyways. Mexico has been involved in many political disturbances and its social movements are a clear way to observe these several demands from all over Mexico.

What I like from Molotov is that they are totally apolitical, so have more energy to talk crap about everyone in politics.

This is one of their most famous songs, and almost an hymn that has trascended through all Latin America. I truly believe, that many inhabitants from Tijuana to Tierra del Fuego feel very identified with the lyrics.

This is a powerful invitation of Molotov to take the streets and demonstrate against the dirt in Politics: Gimme tha Power.

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KISStoria. Tercera Parte.

Llegó el año 1978 y era el momento más exitoso para la banda hasta ese entonces; llenaban estadios, el ejército de KISS llegaba casi al millón y sus álbumes se vendían como pan caliente. Estando en la cima se propusieron elevar el nivel y dar un paso más arriesgado.

Bill Aucoin, KISS y Hanna-Barbera decidieron aprovechar la imagen de súper héroes que se creó el año anterior con su historieta, así que se atrevieron a producir una película con KISS como los súper héroes que tienen como objetivo acabar con la misión de un científico loco que amenaza con destruir un parque de diversiones en California.KISSmtpotp

La producción del film “KISS meets the Phantom of the Park” comenzó en Mayo de 1978 y la banda tomó clases exprés de actuación porque nadie tenía experiencia en eso. Continue reading

The unforgettable October the 2nd

October the 2nd is a day making history in Mexico. Mexicans look at it with disgust and sadness, adding one painful memory to the national feeling.Logo Mexico 68

1968 was the year of worldwide awakening and cultural revolutions led by students and social activists, and Mexico was not the exception. It was also the year in which the Olympics were held in Mexico, where the eyes of the world were pointing to the country. Continue reading

When prankers don’t prank

Youtube is an amazing (relatively) new tool in Internet. Besides kittens and music videos, the website will throw countless viral videos every day.

Pranking is one of the most famous concepts for a channel in Youtube, and there are already famous people doing it for some time. Their channels have hundreds of thousands or even millions of subscribers, which shows how succcessful they are.

But recently these famous channels have done something different. They know that their videos are seen by millions around the planet, so they decided to offer something different than just pranks: Philantropy. Just a simple act that can inspire.

I think is a great idea. These guys are known worldwide because of their pranks and millions watch every step they do. Well, now some will be inspired by a single 5 minute video.

Simply by coming with these ideas once in a while, it reminds us that we can also go out of our routine and inspire, if not millions, at least to the ones around us. This really restores faith in humanity, because shows that anyone can help at any time. Continue reading

Los supercívicos (The supercivics)

It is always a joy to watch shows like these. In part makes me feel good and also makes me go out and do the “right thing”. Feels good.

SuperCivicos logo

The first time I saw this show was, I think, 5 years ago. It was transmitted in a nationwide TV station (Tv Azteca) but it was unfortunately cancelled after some episodes.

I don’t know if they didn’t get enough audience or they were just cancelled by a bigger boss. Years later, was transmitted in the cable television network 52MX, but then cancelled again. They said due to budget problems, but it’s kinda weird because they became No. 1 show in a couple of weeks… no budget for success?

They are back and with an increasing audience, because since their beginning in 52MX, they also updated their videos in Youtube, where they became suprisingly famous in a couple of months. Continue reading