Lubezki, long shots and eccentric machines

Cinematography is the secret to a beautiful film fame. But that is just my personal opinion. Certainly Lubezki is nowadays a talented film magician, that brings big surprises with every release.

Mainly due to its incredibly beautiful shots of outer space, Gravity is also highly acclaimed because of its intricate machinery behind scenes, but it didn’t happen in a single day and the mastery that achieved such a great production was not made so easy.

‘Chivo’ Lubezki has certainly worked for a long time. From his teen age to his worldwide success, through their agony in Mexican TV series and early days in Hollywood. They have learned a lot and innovated everywhere.

It is true that his work boosts any production, but we also find something special in his style: long shots. And it might sound a bit cheesy or even nonsense, but his original cinematography has set a landmark in cinema.

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